A M B E R AlertNG

Citizens are served in our conusting services

  • Security Growth Analysis
  • Kidnapping Prevention Consultation
  • Crime Forensic Analysis
  • Security Report Analysis
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AmberAlertNG serves families of kidnapped victims, law enforcement agencies, concerned citizens, community organizations, and media outlets.

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AmberAlertNG addresses kidnapping by offering real-time alerts and a platform that connects victims with their families, filling a gap in the market.

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AmberAlertNG aims to be Africa's leading platform for reuniting kidnapped victims with their families by increasing public awareness and collaborating with law enforcement

*This figure includes over 14,000 children whose whereabouts remains unknown due to ongoing conflicts and insecurity in the region

*source: Punch Newspapers, ICRC, The Cables

Over 25,000 Missing Persons in 5 Years" and "14,000 Missing Children".

Real-Time Alerts

Real-Time Safety

Stay informed and safe with instant alerts on emergencies. Act quickly with our real-time updates on threats and disasters. Trust us for reliable, immediate information.

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Recent Missing Cases

  • Ola David
  • Busayo Kemi
  • Olufemi Kenny
  • Ade Sesan
  • Turner David
  • Levi Kemi
  • Dave Kenny
  • Kenny Sesan
  • Ola David
  • Turner David
  • Levi Kemi
  • Dave Kenny
  • Kenny Sesan
  • Ola David
  • Busayo Kemi
  • Olufemi Kenny
  • Ade Sesan

5 Years of Experience

Kidnapping Prevention

Security Analysis

Securing Nigeria's Great Future


Create Report

We allows families of kidnapped victims to quickly generate and submit detailed alerts on AmberAlertNG, ensuring that vital information is promptly shared with the public and law enforcement to aid in the search and recovery efforts.


Broadcast Awareness

AmberAlertNG involves rapidly disseminating alerts about kidnappings through multiple channels like SMS, social media, and the platform itself, to maximize public visibility and engagement in locating missing persons.


Report Sightings

This is a feature of AmberAlertNG that allows citizens to quickly and easily share information about potential sightings of kidnapped individuals, helping to expedite search efforts and facilitate faster reunions with their families.

Download The Amber Alerts App Today!

Don't Wait – Act Now:

Download our app and be a part of the solution. Every second counts in an emergency. Stay connected, stay informed, and help bring missing persons home.

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Blog & News

Stay Alert, Stay Safe:
Every Second Counts

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